Thursday, March 8, 2012

Top 10 Cool Tools for School

While we all found some wonderful teaching tools, only ten can make my cut.  I picked these tools by the relevance they will have to the classroom I can see for myself in the future.

10. Wordle from Excerpts from an Educator:
This is tool is really neat!  However, it is only a visual aide that serves almost no purpose in a Physics classroom.  Sorry, Becki.

9. Pinterest from Dunlap's Blog:
I've only heard rumors about the addiction to Pinterest but after seeing the site for myself, their is some educational value.  I can't see an importance to Physics but it is indeed a cool way to entertain yourself academically.

8. Evernote from Katie's Blog :) :
I tend to forget things, so having an accessible tool to keep my thoughts and record important notes is a definite plus.

7. Prezi from Uniquely Nina:
Effective slideshows are necessary to using them in the classroom.  I can see myself using this to add more pizzazz to Physics.  I love pizzazz.

6. Pegby from Michael Carbonara:
This tool is useful for keeping group members on task and aware of the goals of the group.  I can see myself assigning groupwork in Physics so perhaps I could utilize this site.  

5. SmartBoard Technology from R Wetmore's Classroom:
I have a lot of experience learning from SmartBoards, but I haven't had much opportunity to use them.  Yet, they are very useful in displaying information and writing alongside important visuals: something Physics requires. 

4. TeacherTube from Education for you:
TeacherTube just struck me as important because if I would go to the internet for help in my classroom, I wouldn't like waiting for responses on a forum or twitter.  TeacherTube provides the instant gratification I enjoy.

3. Super Teacher Tools from JLee's Blog For SEDU 183:
I feel that these assorted tools, like random name pickers and jeopardy, would add a lot of pizzazz to my classroom.  And you know how much I love pizzazz...

2. Ask Dr. Math from Demi's Blog:
From what I see, this site is very helpful in deciphering mathematical concepts.  With live help available, who would NOT use this site for math help?

1. Wikispaces from Here and now, the start of it all:
This is really a great tool!  I thought that Wikispaces reminded me almost of a blog, only much more in-depth and personal with students.  It allows teachers to utilize their classroom on-the-go and serves as a place to upload assignments, goals, etc.  All-around a very useful site!

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